

Friday, December 30, 2011

Week 10 : Research Methodology

            Problem Identification & Planning

Problem identification & planning is the first phase in this project methodology. In this current phase, researcher is responsible into understanding the current system by observing the system and operate the system to indicate the system functionality and gain deep knowledge of the system context.

By identifying system main function and the problem faced by it, the researcher will be able to identify the goal, objectives, scope and significance of the project whether this research will help to improvise current system or not. The objectives is the most crucial part of the studies to determine whether the research is succesful or not. Document and report review also being made in order to get a full understanding of the system.

After the problem, goal, objectives, scope and significance of the project is identify, project planning need to be done. A task related to the project is being construct and properly planned. At the end of this phase, the deliverables is project proposal which contain all of the project details.

            Data Analysis & Logical Modeling

In the data analysis & logical modeling phase, the current system physical data model is being analyze to determine all of the database structure of the current system. In analyzing current physical data model, few process needs to be done which is the tables and fields in the database need to be determine.

By recognizing and identifying the tables and fields in the current database, adding into knowledge the current system functionality by observation and system operation in phase one, logical design can be construct for the current database.

Using the logical design that has been construct, entity-relationship diagram can be developed to map the current database situation. The connections among tables and columns are known as relationships.

Mapping relationships involves:
• Listing the columns: the primary keys, the foreign keys, and the non-keys
• Identifying the logical connections between tables and columns
• Recording tables and columns on a single table or graphic representation
  of the database. This graphic representation is known as the entity relationship
  (E-R) map.


The normalization represents the logical project of a database. The main goal of a logical project is to create correct relational diagrams. For this it should be:
• avoided the redundancies, avoided the insert anomalies
• ensured the representation of the relations between attributes
• facilitated the verification of the updates, which should not force the integrity of the       database.

In simple words, normalization act to split a table in many tables to eliminate redundancies of data which generates update anomalies. In this research, the normalization phase will undergo three stages which are 1st Normal Form (1NF), 2nd Normal Form (2NF) and 3rd Normal Form (3NF).

            Physical Modeling

In the last phase, physical modeling is being construct maped based on the new optimized logical model. This is to show a difference between optimized data model and the original data model. The deliverables for this phased is a newly optimized physical data model.

Week 9 : Literature Review

E. F. Codd
This journal explains thoroughly about data model, purposes of data model, history of data model development and highlights common misunderstanding.
Database Design Methodologies, Tools and Environments
C. Batini and S. Ceri
This article tells about modern methodologies for database design including the new approach in database design process which is distribution design and prototyping.
Tools and Transformations – Rigorous and Otherwise – for Practical Database Design
Arnon Rosenthal and David Reiner
This journal describes the tools and theory of a comprehensive system for database design and show how they work together to support multiple conceptual and logical design process. It also explains about ER+ Data Model and normalization.
Implementation Design for Databases : The ‘Forgotten’ Step
Tim Martyn
This journal define about three major design steps which is  conceptual, logical and physical design but the technique table partitioning and denormalization  is often are treated as substeps.
Conceptual Universal Database Language: Literature Review and the Future of Database Design
Nikitas N. Karanikolas
This article describe the about the normalization instead explaining about conceptual database design and entity relationship diagram.
Evolutionary Database Design
Fredy Oertly, Gerald Schiller
This journal distinguishes between conceptual and logical database design.
It also explains about three types of relationships with different semantics: Generalization, Aggregation and Association.
Optimize Databases for Health Monitoring System
Catalin Bujdei, Sorin-Aurel Moraru and Stefan Dan
This journal explain about  optimizing databases performances by normalization, using indexes; recreate and defragmentate indexes., statistics update, manage concurrency, table and index partitioning, SQL tuning and disk defragmentation.

Week 8 : Objectives

Three objective has been made to optimized data model of Sistem Semakan Syarat Selangkah ke UiTM      

  • ·         Construct a logical model from the current physical model.
  • ·         Analyze normalization form and referential integrity issues.
  • ·         Propose an enhance data model for System Semakan Syarat Selangkah ke UiTM.

Week 7 : Background & Problem Statement

    Research Background

Optimizing Database

Database is most one of the key factors in developing an information system, the system itself can be considered as successful if the database can process well in executing data and giving the exact information requested with nominal time. This is when the design of the database play a major part.

To optimize database means to increase the performances of that database. To obtain a system with very good performances supposes to have best performances for every component of that system. One of the most important components of the system is represented by the database. The type of the database, the methods and parameters used to create the database and the way how the database is used could increase or decrease the performances of the entire system.

A data model is a set of constructs for expressing how data is structured, constrained and manipulated. Different data models are required for different types of designs: conceptual schemas, logical schemas (suited to a particular data model or DBMS Interface), and physical schemas that capture implementation detail. A database design system needs to represent and manipulate all of these, either as separate models or as special cases of a more general model

          Sistem Selangkah

          Bahagian Pengambilan Pelajar (BPP) is the division which is responsible for managing student intakes and admissions for Universiti Teknologi MARA. It is also responsible for promoting UiTM to prospective students, especially Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) holders as well as Malaysian Higher Education Certificate (STPM) holders; providing relevant information regarding the available courses offered at UiTM.

Sistem Semakan Syarat Selangkah ke UiTM is one of the system owned and developed by Bahagian Pengambilan Pelajar (BPP) UiTM, this system provide accessible platform for user to access anytime widely through world wide web.

                         Problem Statement

The current database System Semakan Syarat Selangkah ke UiTM has no logical model which makes it difficult to identify what is the problem that cause the delay in system response during peak time.

The development of the current database for System Semakan Syarat Selangkah ke UiTM is done straight to the physical design without taking into consideration to the logical design of the data model. During peak time which exactly after SPM and STPM result being released, the response time by the database is often delayed and the user frequently get request time out at their browser when they trying to reaching this site. By using awstat analyzer, it’s shows that during that time the user who is trying to reach the site is over 1 million.

The unavailability of the logical model make it not possible to study the design of the database structure to identify what is the main cause that contributing in this problem. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Problem Statement Fixed

Meeting my supervisor and do some alteration on my problem statement.

Problem Statement : 

The dissabilities to change the structure of system policies and criteria of selection as it changed over the year shows that the design of the system structure is inflexible and make it inefficient to capture the data to construct an analytical processing .

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Interviewing the BPP

Have done a several meet up with Bahagian Pengambilan Pelajar IT Officer which is En. Azrul Amir. In the meeting, En. Azrul has requested some new features for the design structure :

  • Design new module for login administration.
  • Design new module for admin (formula-based rule)
    •   Hardcode Coding     >   User friendly interface
  • User friendly and recognition towards end user.
  • Sent the result of semak syarat by email.
  • Generate a written report and statistic for admin.
  • Generate a PDF format for user output.
  • Make the system more user friendly without need to scroll down by the end user when using it.

There's a lot of request from BPP itself but still I need to redesign the database structure to add administration module.

Problem Statement : The dissabilities to change the structure of system policies and criteria of selection as it changed over the year shows that the design of the system structure is inflexible and make it inefficient to capture the data to construct an analytical processing .

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Problem Statement (roughly)

I've decided to do a details documentation and enhancement on Sistem Selangkah ke UiTM. Since I was one of the engine developer for Intake Management System Checking to University (I-MAS-C-U) owned by the Ministry of Higher Education which is an upgrade to the Sistem Selangkah ke UiTM, I've discovered there a lot of weaknesses in documentation area which is there is no proper details documentation and this will be such a big problems in the term of further references, data collection or integration in the future.

As an Information System Engineering student, I would like to fix this kind of problem because it was my responsibilities to provide a better reference for future used.

My area of studies will be on the Database Area while Izzat is on System Design.

  • Model the current structure of the database
  • Optimize the design to analyze the data
  • Do analytical processing in which to capture the data.
  • Came out with SRS


I've been a little bit busy this week since I've got a lot of presentation and preparing for my Prototype presentation and documentation review for ITS670. That's doesn't mean I didn't do my progress work on my fyp, it's just I didn't much time to update my blog...heck, even my personal blog being abandon since new semester starts.

On 13th October which is last Thursday, Izzat and me had discuss our fyp together with our supervisor which is Puan Suriati and Dr. Ariza. Only after the discussion we got some clear objective and problem statement about our fyp.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bloom's Taxonomy

Taxonomy or in simple words is Classification. In 1956  by committee of colleges, led by Benjamin Bloom identifies three domains of learning, each of which is organised as a series of levels or pre-requisites.

  • Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge)
  • Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude)
  • Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills)

Cognitive Domain

The cognitive domain (Bloom, 1956) involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in the development of intellectual abilities and skills. There are six major categories, which are listed in order below, starting from the simplest behavior to the most complex. The categories can be thought of as degrees of difficulties. That is, the first ones must normally be mastered before the next ones can take place.

Example and Key Words (verbs)
Knowledge: Recall data or information.
Examples: Recite a policy. Quote prices from memory to a customer. Knows the safety rules.
Key Words: defines, describes, identifies, knows, labels, lists, matches, names, outlines, recalls, recognizes, reproduces, selects, states.
Comprehension: Understand the meaning, translation, interpolation, and interpretation of instructions and problems. State a problem in one's own words.
Examples: Rewrites the principles of test writing. Explain in one's own words the steps for performing a complex task. Translates an equation into a computer spreadsheet.
Key Words: comprehends, converts, defends, distinguishes, estimates, explains, extends, generalizes, gives an example, infers, interprets, paraphrases, predicts, rewrites, summarizes, translates.
Application: Use a concept in a new situation or unprompted use of an abstraction. Applies what was learned in the classroom into novel situations in the work place.
Examples: Use a manual to calculate an employee's vacation time. Apply laws of statistics to evaluate the reliability of a written test.
Key Words: applies, changes, computes, constructs, demonstrates, discovers, manipulates, modifies, operates, predicts, prepares, produces, relates, shows, solves, uses.
Analysis: Separates material or concepts into component parts so that its organizational structure may be understood. Distinguishes between facts and inferences.
Examples: Troubleshoot a piece of equipment by using logical deduction. Recognize logical fallacies in reasoning. Gathers information from a department and selects the required tasks for training.
Key Words: analyzes, breaks down, compares, contrasts, diagrams, deconstructs, differentiates, discriminates, distinguishes, identifies, illustrates, infers, outlines, relates, selects, separates.
Synthesis: Builds a structure or pattern from diverse elements. Put parts together to form a whole, with emphasis on creating a new meaning or structure.
Examples: Write a company operations or process manual. Design a machine to perform a specific task. Integrates training from several sources to solve a problem. Revises and process to improve the outcome.
Key Words: categorizes, combines, compiles, composes, creates, devises, designs, explains, generates, modifies, organizes, plans, rearranges, reconstructs, relates, reorganizes, revises, rewrites, summarizes, tells, writes.
Evaluation: Make judgments about the value of ideas or materials.
Examples: Select the most effective solution. Hire the most qualified candidate. Explain and justify a new budget.
Key Words: appraises, compares, concludes, contrasts, criticizes, critiques, defends, describes, discriminates, evaluates, explains, interprets, justifies, relates, summarizes, supports.

Affective Domain

The affective domain (Krathwohl, Bloom, Masia, 1973) includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. The five major categories are listed from the simplest behavior to the most complex:

Example and Key Words (verbs)
Receiving Phenomena: Awareness, willingness to hear, selected attention.
Examples: Listen to others with respect. Listen for and remember the name of newly introduced people.
Key Words: asks, chooses, describes, follows, gives, holds, identifies, locates, names, points to, selects, sits, erects, replies, uses.
Responding to Phenomena: Active participation on the part of the learners. Attends and reacts to a particular phenomenon. Learning outcomes may emphasize compliance in responding, willingness to respond, or satisfaction in responding (motivation).
Examples:  Participates in class discussions.  Gives a presentation. Questions new ideals, concepts, models, etc. in order to fully understand them. Know the safety rules and practices them.
Key Words: answers, assists, aids, complies, conforms, discusses, greets, helps, labels, performs, practices, presents, reads, recites, reports, selects, tells, writes.
Valuing: The worth or value a person attaches to a particular object, phenomenon, or behavior. This ranges from simple acceptance to the more complex state of commitment. Valuing is based on the internalization of a set of specified values, while clues to these values are expressed in the learner's overt behavior and are often identifiable. 
Examples:  Demonstrates belief in the democratic process. Is sensitive towards individual and cultural differences (value diversity). Shows the ability to solve problems. Proposes a plan to social improvement and follows through with commitment. Informs management on matters that one feels strongly about.
Key Words: completes, demonstrates, differentiates, explains, follows, forms, initiates, invites, joins, justifies, proposes, reads, reports, selects, shares, studies, works.
Organization: Organizes values into priorities by contrasting different values, resolving conflicts between them, and creating an unique value system.  The emphasis is on comparing, relating, and synthesizing values. 
Examples:  Recognizes the need for balance between freedom and responsible behavior. Accepts responsibility for one's behavior. Explains the role of systematic planning in solving problems. Accepts professional ethical standards. Creates a life plan in harmony with abilities, interests, and beliefs. Prioritizes time effectively to meet the needs of the organization, family, and self.
Key Words: adheres, alters, arranges, combines, compares, completes, defends, explains, formulates, generalizes, identifies, integrates, modifies, orders, organizes, prepares, relates, synthesizes.
Internalizing values (characterization): Has a value system that controls their behavior. The behavior is pervasive, consistent, predictable, and most importantly, characteristic of the learner. Instructional objectives are concerned with the student's general patterns of adjustment (personal, social, emotional).
Examples:  Shows self-reliance when working independently. Cooperates in group activities (displays teamwork). Uses an objective approach in problem solving.  Displays a professional commitment to ethical  practice on a daily basis. Revises judgments and changes behavior in light of new evidence. Values people for what they are, not how they look.
Key Words: acts, discriminates, displays, influences, listens, modifies, performs, practices, proposes, qualifies, questions, revises, serves, solves, verifies.

Psychomotor Domain

The psychomotor domain (Simpson, 1972) includes physical movement, coordination, and use of the motor-skill areas. Development of these skills requires practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures, or techniques in execution. The seven major categories are listed from the simplest behavior to the most complex:

Example and Key Words (verbs)
Perception: The ability to use sensory cues to guide motor activity.  This ranges from sensory stimulation, through cue selection, to translation.
Examples:  Detects non-verbal communication cues. Estimate where a ball will land after it is thrown and then moving to the correct location to catch the ball. Adjusts heat of stove to correct temperature by smell and taste of food. Adjusts the height of the forks on a forklift by comparing where the forks are in relation to the pallet.
Key Words: chooses, describes, detects, differentiates, distinguishes, identifies, isolates, relates, selects.
Set: Readiness to act. It includes mental, physical, and emotional sets. These three sets are dispositions that predetermine a person's response to different situations (sometimes called mindsets).
Examples:  Knows and acts upon a sequence of steps in a manufacturing process. Recognize one's abilities and limitations. Shows desire to learn a new process (motivation). NOTE: This subdivision of Psychomotor is closely related with the “Responding to phenomena” subdivision of the Affective domain.
Key Words: begins, displays, explains, moves, proceeds, reacts, shows, states, volunteers.
Guided Response: The early stages in learning a complex skill that includes imitation and trial and error. Adequacy of performance is achieved by practicing.
Examples:  Performs a mathematical equation as demonstrated. Follows instructions to build a model. Responds hand-signals of instructor while learning to operate a forklift.
Key Words: copies, traces, follows, react, reproduce, responds
Mechanism: This is the intermediate stage in learning a complex skill. Learned responses have become habitual and the movements can be performed with some confidence and proficiency.
Examples:  Use a personal computer. Repair a leaking faucet. Drive a car.
Key Words: assembles, calibrates, constructs, dismantles, displays, fastens, fixes, grinds, heats, manipulates, measures, mends, mixes, organizes, sketches.
Complex Overt Response: The skillful performance of motor acts that involve complex movement patterns. Proficiency is indicated by a quick, accurate, and highly coordinated performance, requiring a minimum of energy. This category includes performing without hesitation, and automatic performance. For example, players are often utter sounds of satisfaction or expletives as soon as they hit a tennis ball or throw a football, because they can tell by the feel of the act what the result will produce.
Examples:  Maneuvers a car into a tight parallel parking spot. Operates a computer quickly and accurately. Displays competence while playing the piano.
Key Words: assembles, builds, calibrates, constructs, dismantles, displays, fastens, fixes, grinds, heats, manipulates, measures, mends, mixes, organizes, sketches.
NOTE: The Key Words are the same as Mechanism, but will have adverbs or adjectives that indicate that the performance is quicker, better, more accurate, etc.
Adaptation: Skills are well developed and the individual can modify movement patterns to fit special requirements.
Examples:  Responds effectively to unexpected experiences.  Modifies instruction to meet the needs of the learners. Perform a task with a machine that it was not originally intended to do (machine is not damaged and there is no danger in performing the new task).
Key Words: adapts, alters, changes, rearranges, reorganizes, revises, varies.
Origination: Creating new movement patterns to fit a particular situation or specific problem. Learning outcomes emphasize creativity based upon highly developed skills.
Examples:  Constructs a new theory. Develops a new and comprehensive training programming. Creates a new gymnastic routine.
Key Words: arranges, builds, combines, composes, constructs, creates, designs, initiate, makes, originates.

References :

Wednesday, October 5, 2011



This blog is being made as a requirement to monitor my final year project progress through out this two semester until I've got my degree. In this blog I will share about all my readings in the form of journal, article or even web-based that is related with my fyp.

As for introduction I am final year student in the course Bachelor Of Science (Hons) (Information Systems Engineering). As for now I still in the dark and have no clue what are my fyp will focus on. Just in a general, I will focus more in the Database area. Maybe in the specific area such as Database Optimization.